Maximum-Uniformity Curtain™ Nozzles for Impact Sprinklers
Maximizing Sprinkler Irrigation Efficiency
Our Patented Orifice: Impact rotary sprinklers have traditionally relied on high water pressure alone to achieve an acceptable level of water uniformity. The FCI Curtain™ nozzle uses our time proven stainless steel orifice plate to precisely strip just the right amount of water from the outside of the stream creating a "curtain" of water effect.
This curtain of water optimizes the sprinkler profile at both low and high pressures, falling to the ground in a much more uniform and controlled pattern than is possible with standard straight bore nozzles.
Our Exclusive Vane:
Brass impact sprinklers are incredibly reliable, but have always been plagued with imperfect water passageways, resulting in a turbulent flow of water. Turbulence varies from sprinkler to sprinkler causing uneven sprinkler performance and bad uniformity.
The truth is, maximum uniformity can only be achieved when sprinkler turbulence is eliminated. To remove turbulence, each FCI nozzle is fitted with our exclusive straightening vane. The turbulent free flow is then mechanically altered by the FCI orifice plate, delivering the highest possible uniformity.
What are the advantages of retrofitting my sprinklers with the FCI Nozzle?
- Maximum possible water uniformity on existing spacings at both low and high pressures
- Higher yields
Stainless steel orifice will outlast brass or plastic nozzles - Larger orifice opening than straight bore nozzles means less plugging
- Improved crop cooling in desert regions
- Clog resistant straightening vane
- Retrofits Rain Bird, Weather Tec, and other 1/2" base sprinklers
- Color Coded for Easy Identification
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